Our aim is to provide the membership with a clearly identifiable and trustworthy Quality Mark for Karate-where Safety, Standards and Answerability are ensured.
To promote and encourage the development of the subtle and less publicised aspects of Karate training.
The potential for the nurturing and development of focus, cognitive skills, responsible citizenship, confidence building and personal development.
The exploration of Conflict resolution techniques and processes.
Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu is a modern interpretation of Okinawa's historic combative-like disciplines. A completely systematized, cohesive and coherent method of learning/teaching, delivered in a traditional atmosphere, honouring both its culture and pioneers.
Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu can also be learned/imparted as a provocative alternative to conventional methods of physical fitness and stress management. Learning how to respond dispassionately to unwarranted aggression requires self- empowerment. Such training promotes an inner-calm and, where conflict exists, helps restore balance to personal and professional relationships.
Koryu Uchinadi is a non-competitive, totally application-based defensive practice, punctuated with moral philosophy and highlighted by introspective teaching as a comprehensive single study.
A small group of people approached the college for the proposal to establish the club in 1984.
In 1984, about 100 members signed up on Clubs Day.
Over the course of the year, this settled to a core group of about 35 - 40 people who trained consistently. Plenty of people continued to train on a less regular basis.
The University of Galway Karate Club is now a full member dojo with the International Ryukyu Karate Research Society, under the direction of Hanshi Patrick McCarthy who is based in Australia. Hanshi McCarthy has over 40 years of training experience, which he shares willingly at every possible opportunity. This has opened the door to exploring the more traditional aspects of Karate through Koyru Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu ( http://www.koryu-uchinadi.com )
University of Galway Koryukan - Karate Club is now a Shibu Dojo (Branch Dojo), and have authority to use the Koryu Uchinadi name, logo and issue dan/kyu grades within the Koryu Uchinadi curriculum.
In 1987, the Club received its first College Sports Award. This was presented to John Sheehy, who is still training but now in Japan. John joined the club in 1984 and is one of two people who originally started with the Karate Club in 1984 and are still training today. Some years later in 1993, Damien Costello (Chief Instructor of the GMIT Karate Club and Guest instructor in University of Galway) was given the same award, followed by Pauline Connolly (circa 1997) and Audrey Kelly (circa 1998).
The Sports Awards are an important aspect of the College's recognition of the activities of all the clubs and as such are not to be taken lightly.
The very first University of Galway Club of the Year award for the academic year of 1999-2000 was won by the club.
Tuesday 6pm - 7:45pm in Hall 3.
Wednesday 6pm - 7:45pm in Hall 3
Contact karate@clubs.universityofgalway.ie